Naress Tec

Phone: +49 6136 76 05 840 | Mobile: +49 170 4535 387


We are engineering cunsulting company specialized in the fields of surface water hydrology, groundwater resource management and environmental modelling. We provide specialized services regarding shallow groundwater, surface water and the atmosphere. Our expertise focus is development of conceptual and computational modes and applying them to solve issues related to the resource management, agricultural use of water, urban planing and structural design.


Water supply and watershed management is important for clients in the public and private sectors like water supply utilities, electric utilities, citites, municipalities and industries. The common goal of our clients is to utilize the water resources in a sustainable manner and protect the future integrity of those resources. Due to the expanding urban development, increasing agricultural water demand, the goal will become increasingly challanging in the future. The additional water demand will create a potentail risk and stress to water resources.

Our fields of consutancy

Surface Water
Coastal Water Manangement
Water Supply
Urban Development

Collaboration and Networking

Our customers expect sustainable solutions. The development of hardware and software is extensive and wide-ranging. To be able to offer a comprehensive and holistic solution, we work together with partners.

Through cooperation with scientific institutions, we participate in the research and development of new methods for the protection of natural resources.