Naress Tec

Phone: +49 6136 76 05 840 | Mobile: +49 170 4535 387

Water - Our water footprint

Water is our most important source of life. We drink water and thus supply all our organs. But water is much more. It is the most existential and essential natural resource needed for:

Food production
Manufacturing products

Blue and green city of the future

A lecture on the roles of water & plants in our urban habitats. On 22 March – International Water Day.


In the summer of 2021, severe storms destroyed the livelihoods of numerous people in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia. People died in the floods.

In other regions of Germany, water shortages are reported, causing forests to die and farmers to lack the basis for supplying water to their fields. Flood and drought in one summer and in one country. naress tec develops sustainable solutions and concepts for water scarcity and for protection against flooding.